Progress reports on Toddle enable you to record and report a student’s progress and achievements throughout the year, providing valuable insights into their learning journey at school. As a school administrator, you can customize report templates to suit your school’s needs and seamlessly share completed reports with families.
This article will cover:
Setting up progress report templates
Creating progress report sets
Locking and sharing progress reports
Creating a Comments bank
Setting up progress report templates
Begin by navigating to ‘Programme level configurations’ from the admin portal and click on ‘Progress reports’ under your preferred curriculum.
As you enter the progress reports module, go to the 'Progress report templates' section in the left-hand menu. Here, you can edit existing templates, if any, or create a new one for your school’s progress report sets. To create a new template, click the ‘Create a new template’ button in the top right corner.
In the modal that pops up, add a name for the template, map relevant grades for which you intend to use this template, and select the preferred language for the report. Once done, click on ‘Create’.
There are various customization options available to create a progress report template that caters specifically to your school’s needs. Once you have created a report template, you can edit the basic details, determine the layout configuration, and set the evaluation settings for the template. As you make these edits, you can see how they are reflected in the template by referring to the template preview on the right.
There are several kinds of actions you can take:
Checkboxes: By checking/unchecking a checkbox, you can include/exclude that particular section in the progress report
Arrows: If there is an arrow button against any section, you can go within that section and configure individual sub-fields that you would like to include/exclude from the template
Edit icon: By clicking on the pencil edit icon, you can customise the name for any section
Let’s explore each one of the sections in detail.
Basic details
You can edit the basic details such as the template name and the grades mapped to it even after a template is created. Simply click on the pencil icon next to the template title to make these changes.
Layout configuration
The ‘Layout configuration’ section includes the following pages:
Cover sheet, cover letter, and Assessment criteria description.
The ‘Progress summary’ page that has a consolidated view of student’s overall scores and grades for individual subjects.
The ‘Subject reports’ section is where you can report in detail on a student’s performance in individual subjects and associated subject standards. You can select which subjects to include in the report, and a few other settings, such as displaying teacher names, and score breakdowns by assessment categories.
‘Homeroom adviser’ section is where you can choose to display homeroom adviser comments on a separate page or on the progress summary page.
‘Attendance’ section is where you can configure how you want to display attendance information of students in progress report.
Refer to this article to explore each section in detail.
Adding a new page
In case you want a new page in the report apart from the ones added by Toddle, click on the ‘Add page’ button under the layout configuration section.
Here you can add a title to the page, and click on the arrow next to it to add sections to this page. Even with a new page, you have the option to select/deselect it at anytime.
On this new page, you can include fixed text, fixed image, or a teacher comment box as sections, and customise their titles as needed. For fixed text and image, you can add content as an admin, which will appear in all progress reports and cannot be changed by the teachers. In case of a ‘Teacher comment box’, each teacher can add a comment in that section while completing their students’ reports.
Now, once you are done with adding all the sections in the report, you can reorder the elements based on how you want the report to flow. Simply, click on the ‘Reorder’ option.
Here, you can rearrange the elements using the upward and downward arrows. You can also rearrange any sub-contents using the icon next to these arrows. Once done, click 'Update'.
Evaluation settings
Under the ‘Evaluation settings’ section, you will see the various criteria for reporting student progress. If you've enabled overall score and overall grade calculations for your curriculum in the 'Academic setup’ > ‘Grading setup' section, you'll see the 'Overall score' and 'Overall grade' options under evaluation settings. Remember that the overall grade will either be automatically calculated from the overall score or manually assigned by teachers, based on the configuration you set in the Academic setup. Additionally, the custom evaluation criteria you set in 'Academic setup’ > ‘Evaluation criteria' section will be listed here.
If you wish to modify the titles of any of these evaluation criteria, click the pencil icon next to them. The updated titles will be reflected consistently across your progress reports on the platform, as well as in any downloaded, printed, or exported versions.
💡Please note that these changes will only apply to progress reports generated using this specific template. The nomenclature of evaluation criteria in other reports or elsewhere on the platform will remain unaffected.
You can click the checkbox to include one or more of these criteria in the report, and use the 'star' icon to add them to the 'Progress summary' page, as shown below.
You can further click on the arrow next to any of the custom evaluation criteria to select the ‘Subject Standards’, and ‘Skills’ you wish to rate on these criteria. You can decide the individual mapping of a criterion by checking or unchecking the box, or perform bulk mapping by clicking on the ‘Select all’ / ‘Deselect all’ options under the evaluation criteria.
💡Please note that the mapping you see here is based on the configuration decided by you in the academic setup. Read this article to learn more about how to map evaluation criteria to subjects and learning goals.
The way you configure evaluation criteria on this page directly impacts how they appear in the progress report. Let's explore this with a few examples.
Subject Standards
For Subject Standards, you can map evaluation criteria at various levels, such as subject, strand, objective, or learning outcome.
In the progress report, you'll see only the criteria you configured. For example, in ‘Arts’, teachers can rate both ‘Achievement’ and ‘Effort at the subject level, but for learning outcome within subject standards, they may only be able to rate on ‘Effort’, as per your configuration.
For Skills, you can select evaluation criteria at the level of strand, sub-strand, and objectives. This gives you flexibility in how teachers can assess different aspects of each skill.
Based on the criteria you select, only those options will be available in the progress report. For example, if you configured ‘Achievement’ to be only available for ‘Objectives’, it won’t appear as a rating option at any other level of the skill.
More settings
On the report template page, you have a few additional options. One of these is the 'Score and grade aggregation' setting, which enables you to display students' aggregate scores —either as a sum, average, or both—across subjects in their progress reports. To access this setting, simply click the arrow.
As you enter this section, you will see a modal, reminding you that aggregates must be configured in the Academic setup. If you haven't configured aggregation yet, complete it before proceeding. Refer to this article to learn how you can configure this aggregation in the Academic setup.
Click the ‘Ok, I understand’ button to proceed.
On the next screen, simply toggle the ‘Display aggregate’ option on if you want to show the aggregate ‘Overall score’ in students’ progress reports.
If you choose to display the aggregate, it will reflect on the bottom of the progress summary page just as highlighted in the screenshot below.
💡Please note that this aggregate score will only include subjects configured within the academic setup for the selected grades and grading period. The displayed aggregate will adjust based on the specific grading period linked to the report.
Additionally, you can choose to display certain information such as student name, progress report title, and page number at the bottom of all pages, simply by checking the box for the ‘Enable footer for all pages’ option. You can also customize the footer information by clicking the arrow icon to access the footer settings.
You can further adjust the ‘Print settings’ by clicking on the arrow icon next to it and configuring the settings according to your needs.
Inside Print settings, you’ll find an option to set the printing settings to one of the following:
Print each section of the progress report on a new page.
Print sections continuously, starting new sections where the previous ones end.
Customize the print settings to start only selected sections from a new page.
💡By default the option to print each section of the progress report on a new page is selected.
Lastly, if you have made changes to the school logo, school name, custom evaluation criteria within Academic setup, or other elements after setting up the templates, use the ‘Sync’ button at the top to update the report.
Once you are satisfied with the template, click the ‘Save and exit’ button to save all changes and publish it. This will make the new report template available for creating report sets.
Once a report template is created, you can see it on the ‘Progress report templates’ page. Just click on the template to access and edit its details at any time. If you wish to duplicate or archive the template, click on the three-dot menu under the ‘Actions’ column to access these options.
💡Please note that when creating new progress report sets, you won't see an archived report template. However, if a template currently used in a progress report set is archived, it won't affect the report set.
Additionally, you can use the ‘Status’ filter to view active or archived report templates. You can also view your templates in a list or card format by using the icons next to the ‘Status’ filter.
Creating progress report sets
After configuring the template, you can create a progress report set. A progress report set is created for a specific grading period and is mapped to a single report template.
Navigate to ‘Progress report sets’ from the left pane. Here you can view progress reports for past academic years by using the ‘Academic year’ filter in the top right corner. To create a new report set, click on the ‘Create progress report set’ button.
Next, fill up the following details:
Title and Subtitle: Add an appropriate title and subtitle for the progress report which will be visible on the front page of the progress report.
Grading period - Map your progress report set to the relevant grading period. Read this article to learn more about how to set up a grading period.
Grades: Tag grades for which you wish to create the progress report set. Please note that the grades that are shown here are based on the grades mapped in the selected report template.
Report template: Select one of the existing report templates from the dropdown list that you wish to use for the report set.
💡Please note that any changes you make to the selected report template will reflect immediately in the report set unless the progress report is locked.
Attendance: Select how you want to add attendance data in the report. You can choose to update it automatically from Toddle or allow teachers to add it manually. When you choose the automatic option for attendance, the data is updated in real-time. This means any changes to attendance will automatically show in unlocked progress reports.
In contrast, with the manual option, attendance data is only taken from Toddle at the moment the progress report is created. Any changes made to the attendance after that will not be reflected in the report, even if it's unlocked, unless you manually update it.
Attendance date range: Set the attendance date range here by selecting the start and end dates for the attendance data you want to display in the report.
Date of creation: Choose a date which will be displayed on the footer, and coversheet of the progress report. Please note that the date you set here won’t impact the generation or sharing dates of the reports.
Task deadline: As you scroll down, you’ll see the ‘Task deadline’ section where you can choose a deadline for the completion of the progress report. This date will be visible to the teachers but does not have an impact on locking or sharing of reports.
File name: In the ‘Progress report file name’ section, you can configure the file name format for the report by clicking the ‘pencil’ icon. You can define a format for your progress report names by combining various student and report details. Type '/' to insert components such as the student’s first name, last name, grade, report title, grading period, etc. Each component will be automatically separated by an underscore, and you can add up to seven components for the file name. Refer to this article to learn more about how to configure the file name for Progress reports PDFs.
💡Please note that the file name from the most recently created or updated progress report will be configured by default.
Once, you are done setting up the report set, click on the ‘Create’ button to save all the details.
Consequently, a new report set will be created and start appearing along with the existing ones. By clicking on the three-dot menu, you will get options to export, edit or archive any of these report sets.
In case you select the ‘Export report set’ option, a modal will appear on your screen, allowing you to choose from various export formats and file organization options for the progress report set. You can select from the following export formats:
Export report data including fields left empty
Export locked report data with completed fields only
Export locked report data in raw format
Additionally, you can decide how to organize the exported data:
Choose the ‘Consolidated report’ option to export the data of all grades into a single file.
Select the ‘Individual grade reports’ option to export data into separate files for each grade.
To learn more about these export options, refer to To learn more about these export options, refer to this article.
When you create a new progress report set, teachers assigned to the subjects will receive a notification. By clicking on the notification, they can access the report set and start filling in reports for their respective subjects.
Tracking progress report completion
Tracking overall report status across grades
After creating a progress report set, you can easily track the report completion status. Simply click on the Progress report set you’ve created and, on the landing page you will find a summary of the overall status for each grade linked to the report set.
Here, you can view progress reports for each grade and quickly see key details, such as the total number of students in each grade, the number of students excluded from the progress report set, and the status of reports—whether they are unlocked, locked, or shared. Based on the status of the progress reports within a grade, different options will appear in the 3-dot menu under the ‘Actions’ column:
When reports are pending completion (not locked): You’ll see options to edit the student list, attendance date range, and export data.
When all reports are locked: You’ll see options to edit the student list, download the reports in bulk, and export the data.
Additionally, this page also provides an option to export progress report data for all classes in bulk. Simply use the export icon in the top right corner to do so.
Downloading progress reports vs. Exporting data
The ‘Download progress reports’ and ‘Export data’ options may seem similar, but they serve different purposes. When you select the 'Download progress reports' option, a PDF version of the progress report sets is downloaded to your browser. If the progress report set includes more than 30 students and/or the total size of the downloaded ZIP file exceeds 10MB, the ZIP file containing all the PDFs will be emailed to your registered Toddle email ID for download.
💡Please note that the 'Download progress reports' option for bulk downloading is only available after all progress reports for the class are locked.
If, however, you need to access the data of your progress report sets for data analysis purposes or for importing it into other systems you can select the ‘Export data’ option. This will download the progress report data in a spreadsheet.
You will have three choices for exporting the data:
Export report data including fields left empty
Export locked report data with completed fields only
Export locked report data in raw format
Depending on your needs you can select one of these options. Refer to this article to learn about these options in detail. After clicking the ‘Export’ button, you’ll receive an email with a download link for the data file.
💡Note that this option is available regardless of the progress report set status. You can export data at any stage of the report creation process—it doesn't have to be locked or shared.
Configuring user name display format
If you want student’s and teacher’s names to appear in a specific format in the downloaded pdf reports and exported data, you can configure this in the 'User name settings' under 'School settings' on the Admin portal. Refer to this article to learn more.
Tracking report status for each student
You can enter any grade and, under the ‘Student view,’ track the progress of individual students linked to the report. This view displays the classes associated with each student, the overall progress made by teachers in completing the report, and whether the report has been shared with families and students. Additionally, you can perform actions such as:
Exclude students- Using the three dots under ‘Actions’ tab, you can choose to exclude any student from the report set.
💡Please note that this option is only available for students for whom the report status shows as ‘Pending’.
Review and edit reports: As an admin you can click on any student’s name to review the entire progress report, make edits to any section if required.
Lock reports for individual students: For pending reports, you can lock them using the three dots menu or by entering inside the report. This feature is only accessible to you as an admin, and not the teachers linked to the grades mapped to this report.
Print preview - You also have the option to print out progress report for an individual student using the ‘Print preview’ option.
Unlock Progress report: In case you want to make any changes to a locked report, click on the ‘Unlock Progress report’ option to do so.
💡Please note that the names of educators assigned as primary subject teachers will automatically appear in any progress reports you generate. You have the option to edit the teacher mapping directly within the report by clicking on the gear icon to add or remove teachers. If primary subject teachers have not been assigned to a subject, you will see a ‘Select teachers’ option next to the gear icon. Read this article to learn more about tagging educators as primary subject teachers.
Bulk actions on progress reports
You also have the option to perform actions in bulk. Select the students for whom you want to apply these actions under the ‘Student view’. As you select students, options will appear in the top-right corner, allowing you to lock or unlock reports, share or unshare them, include or exclude students from the report set, and download the selected progress reports. Easily perform these actions either by directly clicking on relevant icons for each option or accessing these options via the three dot menu.
The availability of these options depends on the status of the selected reports. For example, the option to unlock will be disabled if you select two reports, one with a locked status and the other with a shared status. This is because a shared report must first be unshared before it can be unlocked.
Let’s explore how these options work in detail.
Lock/Unlock progress reports: Use the 'Lock progress report' option to lock the progress reports for the selected students. Once the reports are locked, the 'Unlock progress report' option becomes available, allowing you to unlock them if needed.
💡Please note that only you as an admin have the ability to lock/unlock reports; teachers cannot perform this action. However, any action taken by you will be reflected on the teacher's end, keeping them informed about the status of the report.
Share with family and students: Once reports are completed and locked, admins can share them with families and students by clicking the ‘Share with family and students’ option.
💡Please note that teachers do not have the ability to share reports; only admins can do so.
Unshare progress reports: Use the 'Unshare progress report' option to unshare any reports that have been shared with students and families. This option is only available for reports that are currently shared.
💡Pro tip: If you need to make changes to a shared report, you must first unshare it. Only after unsharing will the option to unlock the report become accessible, allowing you to proceed with any modifications.
Include students in report set: Use this option to add any students who were previously excluded from the progress report set. This option is only available for students who have been marked as excluded.
Download progress report: This option lets you download reports, but only those that are completed and locked. You can download the selected reports in PDF format for easy sharing and record-keeping. When you perform a bulk action, the system downloads a ZIP file containing progress reports in PDF format for each selected student. The PDFs follow the naming format you configured during the report setup. Refer to this section to learn more about configuring PDF naming formats.
Under the 'Report section' view, you get a section-wise overview of the progress reports. This view displays the total number of students for specific sections, such as subject reports, attendance, and homeroom advisor comments, along with the number of students excluded from each section. You can also quickly track the completion status of each section under the ‘Progress’ column. Click on any section to view the detailed progress of individual student reports within that section.
Inside each section, you’ll find a list of individual students along with the completion status of that section within each student’s report. Easily sort reports by a student’s first or last name, or by report status, using the sort icon located next to the search bar in the left pane.
💡Please note that the tick mark next to a student’s name is manually added by the teacher to indicate that they consider the section complete. However, it doesn’t guarantee that all fields or sections are completely filled. This tick offers a quick visual cue for admins like you to see which sections teachers have marked as complete, helping you know when the reports are ready for review.
Creating a Comments bank
As an admin, you can support teachers by creating a bank of comments for their use in progress reports across grade levels. Navigate to the ‘Comment bank’ option in the left-hand panel. Here, you will see a list of all the comments created so far. You have the option to edit the existing comments or delete them using the three-dot menu highlighted in the screenshot below.
If you wish to create a new comment, hit the ‘Create new’ button in the top right corner.
Next, add a comment title, tag relevant grades and write the comment in the box. And, then click on ‘Add’ to save the comment.
Teachers can directly import these comments from the comment bank to the Progress report. They simply need to click on the ‘Add a comment from comment bank’ option.
This will open a modal where teachers will get access to the comments tagged to their grade. Here they will also see an option to create new comments and save them for their own use.
If your school has access to Toddle AI, you'll see an additional section titled 'Voice and output structure.' Here, you can find a list of voice and output structures you've previously added and the ones provided by Toddle. To add a new structure, simply click the ‘+ Create new’ button and provide sample comments for Toddle AI to generate your preferred voice and output style. Once added, you can use the three-dot menu (shown in the screenshot below) to edit, delete, or set a structure as the default for your comments. Refer to this article to learn more about how you can use Toddle AI for progress reports.
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