As a school administrator, you can configure the layout of your school’s progress report based on your unique needs. In this article, we’ll focus on the different elements in the layout configuration section of a report template.
Basic actions
Here are a few basic actions that you can perform in the various sections under ‘Layout configuration’:
Checkboxes: By checking/unchecking a checkbox, you can include/exclude that particular section in the progress report.
Arrows: If there is an arrow button against any section, you can go within that section and configure the entire section and sub-fields that you would like to include/exclude from the template.
Edit icon: By clicking on the pencil edit icon, you can customize the name for any section.
Comment icon: By clicking on the comment icon (against a section/sub-section), you can add a comment box to be filled out by the teachers.
Add section: Inside some sections, you will see the ‘Add section’ option. Use this to add a new sub-section. Let’s explore the different kinds of sub-sections you can add using this option:
Fixed text: Use this option to add text that you wish to show on the progress report. Remember that this text is not editable by teachers and will appear as is in all progress reports created using this template.
Fixed image: Use this option to add an image to the progress report. You can easily upload an image from your device, Google Drive, or OneDrive. Just like fixed text, the image you add here will show in all progress reports created using this template and is not editable by teachers.
Teacher comment: Use this option to add a comment box where teachers can write their comments and add evidence for each student while filling in the progress report.
You can refer to the preview in the right panel to see how these changes will look in the template.
Layout configuration section
Let’s go inside each one of the sections under ‘Layout configuration’ and explore them in detail:
Cover sheet
The Cover sheet page is the introductory page in your progress report that includes relevant information about the school, the report, and the student. You can customize the design and content of this page. Let’s explore each section under the Cover sheet page in detail.
Cover design
You can choose a design for your cover sheet from a collection of pre-designed options provided by Toddle. Just click on the ‘Select’ option next to Cover design.
Here you can select a suitable cover design for your progress report template. By default, the first template in the sequence shown in the screenshot below will be selected. Once done, click ‘Save’.
Background image
You can further customize the selected cover design by changing its background image. Click on ‘Change’ next to the ‘Background image’ section and choose from one of the images uploaded by Toddle or add your own.
💡Use the ‘Allow teachers to change the background image’ checkbox to give teachers the flexibility to change the background image for individual student’s progress reports.
School information
In the ‘School information’ section, fields such as the school logo, name, and address are enabled by default. This information is taken directly from the ‘School information’ section under the ‘School setup’ module in the admin portal.
You can add an additional image in the footer using the ‘Additional image’ section.
Report information
Under the ‘Report information’ section, the following sections are enabled by default: progress report title, subtitle, and date of creation. This section displays the information you will provide during the progress report set creation.
Student Information
In the ‘Student information’ section, you can choose the student details you wish to display in the report. You can select from ‘Basic details,’ which include the student image, name, and class name, and ‘Additional details,’ which include other fields that are defined within the School setup such as Student UID, Date of birth, Homeroom adviser, etc.
In the ‘Additional details’ section, you can select a maximum of six fields for your report template. You can even change the order of these fields easily by dragging and dropping them using the six-dot icon.
💡 Please note that the student information displayed in this section is taken from the student details you added in the School setup on the Admin portal. Read this article to learn more managing your school’s students data.
Cover letter
The cover letter serves as an introduction to guide family members through their child's progress report. This page includes the body of the cover letter and the signature of the concerned authorities for official authorization of the report.
Cover letter body
Use the text box to write a cover letter for your report template. You can use the formatting options available at the top of this box to format the text as needed.
💡Please note that if Toddle AI is enabled for your school you can use the Toddle AI writing assistant to write the cover letter content. Refer to this article to learn more.
In the ‘Signatories’ section, you can add the name, designation, and signature of the signatories for your report. To add more than one signatory, use the ‘Add signatory’ option.
You can further customize how these signatories appear on your progress report using the options under the ‘More settings’ section. Here, you can align the signatories' information with their signatures and choose whether to show the signatories' information at the bottom of the cover letter page or immediately after the cover letter content. Additionally, you can allow teachers to add signatories at their end by selecting the ‘Allow teachers to add additional signatories’ option.
IB learner profile description
In this section, you can see the description of the IB learner profile attributes configured by you in the Academic setup. Read this article to learn more about configuring learner profile attributes. Here, the PYP/MYP/DP model graphic is enabled by default, you can choose to disable it if you like.
💡This page is not available for progressive curricula.
Assessment criteria description
The ‘Assessment criteria description’ section provides a description of the different assessment criteria used throughout the progress report. Let’s explore this section for each curriculum:
PYP and Progressive curricula
In the PYP and other Progressive curricula, the ‘Assessment criteria description’ section displays information about the custom evaluation criteria defined in ‘Academic setup > Evaluation criteria’. Additionally, only the criteria included in the ‘Evaluation settings’ section of the report template will be shown. Read this article to learn more about configuring custom evaluation criteria for the PYP curriculum.
MYP and DP curriculum
In the MYP and DP curriculums, you can configure the ‘Assessment criteria description’ section. Here you can add a description of your school’s assessment approach under the ‘Assessment approach explanation’ section. For a more comprehensive report, you can enable the ‘Descriptors of other assessment criteria’ option for easy reference on what individual custom evaluation criteria represent. The custom evaluation criteria shown here will be based on your configuration under ‘Academic setup > Evaluation criteria’. Additionally, only the criteria included in the ‘Evaluation settings’ section of the report template will be shown. Read these articles to learn more about configuring custom evaluation criteria for MYP and DP curriculums.
You can also add a new section using the ‘Add section’ option.
💡Please note that for the MYP curriculum you also have the option to display the IB defined grade boundaries for subjects and interdisciplinary learning.
Progress summary
The progress summary page provides a compact view of grades achieved by students in all subjects. You can also add sections for homeroom adviser comments and student’s attendance in this page.
The subjects that show in the progress summary page are the ones you select in the ‘Subject reports’ section. You can also choose to show the teacher name and their comments based on the settings configured in the ‘Subject reports’ section.
💡Please note that for the DP curriculum, you can also include students' grades and comments from DP core projects on this page.
Subject reports
In the ‘Subject reports’ section, you can view the student’s performance across different subjects. Let’s explore the sub-sections in detail.
Display settings
Here you can choose to include these subject reports in the ‘Progress summary page,’ or display them as a separate page by selecting the ‘Individual subject reports’ section, or select both.
The progress summary page offers a compact overview of the student’s grades across subjects. Refer to these videos to learn more about how this feature works across the PYP, MYP, DP, and other progressive curricula.
The individual subject reports page provides a detailed view of the student’s performance, with ratings on assessment objectives and other subject-related learning goals.
The subjects displayed here are those configured by you in the academic setup. Refer to these articles to learn more about configuring subjects for the PYP, MYP, and DP curriculum. Please note that the process of configuring subjects for other progressive curricula is the same as the IBPYP curriculum.
You can go inside a subject and choose to include or exclude following sections for each subject individually: subject description, grade summary, subject standards, and teacher comment for the subject. You also have the option to add a new section using the ‘Add section’ option.
💡 Please note that in the MYP curriculum, you will see additional sections: covered units, MYP assessment criteria, and approaches to learning. In the DP curriculum, you can configure sections for assessment objectives, approaches to learning, and learner profile attributes. In the progressive curricula, you have the option to include or exclude Skills for each subject.
Quick copy subject settings
If you wish to keep the sections for all subjects consistent, use the icon next to the subject name to access the quick copy feature. This option lets you apply any changes, such as the selection of sub-sections, title changes, comments, and new sections made in the current subject to the rest of the subjects in the report template. Click ‘Confirm’ to proceed.
Back on the 'Subject reports' page, you will find a few additional options for MYP curriculum. Let’s explore these sections in detail.
Report on interdisciplinary learning in MYP curriculum
You have the option to report student’s progress on interdisciplinary learning in MYP. You will find this section under ‘Subject reports’ and can configure it as per your requirements. Within this section, you can show the interdisciplinary learning description, covered units, interdisciplinary assessment criteria, grade summary, approaches to learning, and teacher comments.
Within the ‘Grade summary’ section, along with ratings on individual interdisciplinary learning criteria, you can also display an overall IB grade for interdisciplinary learning if you have enabled the relevant setting. Read this article to learn more about how to configure this setting.
💡Please note that you can have only one section to report on interdisciplinary learning in a progress report.
More settings
Under the 'More settings' section, you can configure the following options to tailor your progress reports:
Add teacher comments for each subject on the progress summary page
Choose to start each subject report on a new page
Enable overall comments for subject reports (for PYP only)
Display teacher names under the subject titles for both subject reports and the progress summary
Choose whether to show an assessment category-wise breakdown for all subjects
Display the subject group name alongside subjects (for MYP and DP)
Enable an assessment category-wise breakdown with IB grades for all subjects (for MYP and DP)
💡Please note that these configurations may vary slightly depending on the curriculum.
Homeroom adviser comments
This section will have an overall comment for the student by their homeroom adviser. Use the checkbox as shown below to include or exclude the homeroom adviser’s name from the section. By default, this section appears on a separate page, but you can include it as part of the progress summary page as well.
In the ‘Attendance’ section, you can display a student’s attendance data. The display options available in your progress reports depend on the settings configured by you in the ‘Attendance’ section under programme-wide settings.
To adjust these settings, navigate to ‘Programme-wide configurations’ in the Admin portal. Go to Settings > Attendance > Attendance recording and click ‘Edit’ to set the frequency for marking attendance for your curriculum.
The frequency you choose will determine the options available in the attendance section of your progress report template.
You can customize how attendance is displayed in the progress report, with options to:
Display attendance on a separate page (enabled by default)
Show it on the progress summary page
Include it in the subject reports section
💡 Please note that the option to display attendance in subject reports is only available for the MYP and DP curricula when you select the attendance frequency as ‘During each period’ or ‘In each period with daily attendance.’
Within each section, you can configure the attendance categories such as Present, Absent, etc. that you wish to display on the report. Simply click the arrow icon next to the section to do that configuration.
Here, you can enable/disable the option to display the student’s overall presence as a percentage, choose to show attendance cumulatively for all subjects, separately for each subject, or both. You can also select the attendance categories (e.g., Present, Absent, Late, Half Day) you want to display on the report. The order of these categories can be easily rearranged using the drag handle (six-dot icon).
💡 Please note that the overall presence calculation is independent of the attendance categories displayed on the report. It is always a total of the attendance marked across all categories. Keep in mind that the option to show attendance cumulatively or separately for subjects is available only for MYP and DP curricula when the attendance marking frequency is set to ‘During each period’ or ‘In each period with daily attendance.
In the ‘Display settings’ section, you can choose how to present attendance data on the report, either as percentages or absolute numbers. If attendance is marked for homeroom periods, you will have the option to display data for ‘Homeroom periods only’ or for ‘All periods.’
💡 Please note that to mark attendance for homeroom periods, select the ‘In each period with daily attendance’ option under Programme-wide configurations > Settings > Attendance for your programme.
All these sections mentioned above are pre-configured by Toddle but you do have the option to add new sections. Let’s see how you can add a new page in your progress report template.
Add Page
Use the ‘Add page’ option to add an additional page to your progress report.
Add a page title, then go inside and configure the section as you like.
Here you can use the ‘Add section’ option to add a Fixed text, Fixed image, or a Teacher comment box. For fixed text and image, you can add content as an admin, which will appear in all progress reports and cannot be changed by the teachers. In case of a ‘Teacher comment box’, each teacher can add a comment in that section while completing their students’ reports.
Curriculum-specific sections
There are certain sections that are specific to different curriculums such as PYP, MYP, and DP. Let’s explore these in detail.
PYP curriculum
Unit reports
The ‘Unit reports’ section is where you can report on a student's performance in specific units covered during the reporting period. While filling in the reports, teachers will have an option to select the relevant units from the reporting period to include in each class's progress report. It displays key details about the units, including the teacher's ratings on different learning goals related to the unit, overall unit performance, and integrated subjects, along with comments. To configure each sub-section within the unit reports section, click on the arrow icon.
Here, you will find sections for ‘Lines of inquiry’ and ‘Integrated subject areas’. The information in these sections is automatically pulled from the unit plans created by the teacher. Under ‘Unit plan comment’, teachers can provide an overall comment on a student’s performance in the unit. The next three sections are for rating students on learning goals such as LPA, Concepts, and ATLs and for adding corresponding comments. Finally, use the ‘Subjects’ section to report on the student’s performance in the unit’s integrated subjects.
You also have the option to add a new section using the ‘Add section’ button at the bottom of the page.
Progress summary for approaches to learning
Enable the ‘Progress summary for approaches to learning’ section to display the ratings awarded to a student for different ATL skills. You can also enable an overall comment for the section by clicking on the comment icon. Click on the arrow icon to go inside the section.
Here, you can select the various ATL skills to rate the students on. You can choose to rate at the ATL skill level or also include sub-skills. Additionally, you can enable or disable comments for each ATL skill separately. Keep in mind that this is a separate page from the ‘Progress summary’ page.
The ATL skills displayed here are the ones defined by you in the admin portal. Read this article to learn more about how to configure ATL skills.
MYP curriculum
In the progress report template for MYP curriculum you will find pages to report student’s progress on MYP projects - Personal project, Community project, and Service as Action.
Within the Personal Project and Community Project pages, there are sections for student’s project details, MYP criteria ratings, and supervisor comments. Data in these sections is pulled directly from the personal project and community project modules within Toddle and cannot be edited by teachers in the progress report. You can choose to include or exclude any of these sections in the progress report.
The ‘Service as Action’ page includes the seven learning outcomes defined by the IB and how a student has performed on them. Information about the achievement of these learning outcomes is pulled directly from the Service as action module within Toddle and cannot be edited by teachers in the progress report. Additionally, there is space for teachers to add an overall comment on each student’s service as action.
DP curriculum
In the progress report template for the DP curriculum, you will find a section for the ‘DP Core’ elements. Inside this page, you can select the display settings for these elements. You can choose to display them on the progress summary page, as a separate DP core section, or both.
Furthermore, you can configure each of the three DP core sections:
Creativity, Activity, Service (CAS)
Within the Creativity, Activity, Service (CAS) page, you can choose to display a list of the student's CAS experiences and projects, and show an overall progress rating by enabling the ‘Grade summary’ option. While teachers can provide an overall progress rating in the report, the list of CAS experiences and projects is pulled from the CAS module and cannot be edited by teachers. By selecting the ‘CAS learning outcomes’ option, you can display all seven learning outcomes along with their achievement status, which is automatically pulled from the CAS module. Teachers can additionally provide a rating for each learning outcome on the custom evaluation criteria, an overall rating for CAS, and add an overall comment if the ‘Adviser comment’ option is enabled.
Extended Essay (EE) andTheory of Knowledge (ToK)
Within the Extended Essay (EE) and Theory of Knowledge (ToK) pages, there are sections for displaying the student’s grade summary and adding a supervisor comment. Data in these sections, such as the supervisor name, EE Title and research question, and TOK IA prompt and essay title, is pulled directly from the respective modules in Toddle and is displayed in view-only mode. Teachers can provide an overall rating for students in ToK and EE if the grade summary option is enabled, and they can add an overall comment if the supervisor comment option is enabled.
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