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How to evaluate worksheets as an educator on Toddle?
How to evaluate worksheets as an educator on Toddle?
Updated over a week ago

With our Worksheet feature, educators can seamlessly create assignments with various question types directly on Toddle. As students submit their completed worksheets, educators can easily evaluate their responses, monitor their screen activity, and share the evaluations with both students and their families—all within the Toddle platform.

This article will guide you through the worksheet evaluation process for the DP curriculum, though the process remains consistent across all curriculums.

This article will cover:

  • Evaluating worksheets

  • Marking worksheet as evaluated and sharing with students and families

  • Analyzing students' performance

Evaluating worksheets

To access the worksheet evaluation screen, begin by entering the class and navigating to the Assignments (formerly, Class stream) section.

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Here, you'll find a list of all the tasks for your class that need to be reviewed/evaluated under the ‘To-review’ tab, including learning experiences, quick tasks, assessments, and worksheets.

In this section, you'll be able to quickly check which submissions have been turned in, track your evaluation progress, and see if the evaluations have been shared with students and families.

Look for visual indicators like 'New' stickers and numbered red badges to stay updated on new submissions or communications from students. To start evaluating a specific worksheet task, simply click on it.

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This page gives you a quick overview of the students who were assigned the worksheet, those who have submitted their work, and the worksheets evaluated and shared.

Under the ‘Assessment tools’ column, you'll also see the assessment tools used for the worksheet, their evaluation status, the maximum scores and the scores students have earned.

If the lock screen feature was activated for a worksheet, the ‘Screen absence tracker’ column will notify you of the instances when students navigated away from the worksheet screen, including their explanations. For worksheets with a time limit, the 'Time taken' column displays the duration each student spent on the test.

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Here you also have the option to send students a reminder. Click on the ‘clock’ icon next to ‘Instructions’ in the top right corner. This opens a modal where you can select the ‘Reminder type’, add ‘Students’, and also write down a ‘Message’. Once done, hit the ‘Send reminder’ button.

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Furthermore, clicking on ‘Instructions’ gives you a refresher on the worksheet assignment details.

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To evaluate the student's work, you have two options:

1. Bulk evaluation: You can assess multiple students at once on the overall assessment tools linked to the worksheet by clicking 'Edit' in the ‘Assessment tools’ column on the previous screen. You can easily switch between different assessment tools using the tabs on top. Once you have marked the assessment, hit the ‘Save evaluation’ button.

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You can also bulk evaluate worksheets using the 'Scorebook'. Navigate to the Scorebook section from the left pane. In the Scorebook, you have the option to bulk evaluate the entire worksheet or assess individual questions for each student. Simply hover over the relevant column and click on the pencil icon that appears to add or edit your evaluation. Use the gear icon in the upper right corner above the table if you would like to configure the columns in your Scorebook.

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2. Individual evaluation: Back on the ‘All Submissions’ page, simply click on an individual student’s name if you prefer to assess their submission in detail. You can also perform this action from the ‘Scorebook’.

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Click on a student's name to go to their submission page, where you can view all the worksheet's questions and the student's responses. In the right pane, under the ‘Submission and evaluation’ tab, you'll see the total number of questions in the worksheet, the number of questions attempted by students, the ones you have evaluated, and the total score obtained by the student. Below that you’ll find the list of all the questions in the worksheet. Select a question from this list to bring up that question in the center pane for your review. In the right pane, you can assign scores and provide feedback for that question.

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When you select a question, any associated assessment tools with that question will appear under the question in the right pane. You can easily provide your evaluations for them from right here. To view these assessment tools in a full-screen mode, simply click on the expand icon.

For questions like multiple-choice, fill-in-the-blank, true or false, drag and drop, and hotspot questions, Toddle automatically assigns scores based on the correct answers you’ve specified and student’s response. However, you can override these marks using the right pane. As you grade each question, a green tick will appear next to it, indicating completion.

Lastly, if you have added any assessment tools for the evaluation of the entire worksheet, you will find them in the right pane towards the end. Navigate to that section and give the overall ratings.

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Marking worksheet as evaluated and sharing with students

Once you're finished evaluating, you can mark the worksheet as 'Evaluated' and share it with the student and family. You also have the option to mark a worksheet as 'Evaluation not applicable' or request a resubmission if needed.

💡Please note that the option to request a resubmission is not available if a timed test has been set for the worksheet assignment.

Based on the option chosen by you, the following actions will occur:

  1. When the worksheet is marked as 'Evaluated' and shared with the student and family, they will receive a notification at their end. Students and associated family members will be able to view the evaluation done by you. It is important to note that once the evaluation is shared, students will not be able to modify or resubmit their work.

  2. If you have selected the 'Evaluation not applicable' option, students and families will not receive a notification. They will only see the 'Evaluation N/A' status when they visit their assessment page.

  3. In the case where you have selected the 'Request resubmission' option, students and families will receive a notification at their end. Students can modify and resubmit their work in such cases.

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Before you share the evaluated worksheet with the student and family you have the option to edit the evaluation.

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Once students are graded, a green tick will appear next to their names in the left panel on the ‘All Submissions’ page.

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Analyzing students' performance

After evaluating the worksheet, access 'Evaluation insights' on the previous screen to gain insights on students’ performance. In the ‘Overview’ tab, you will find a summary of student performance, including class average, names of students with the highest and lowest scores, and a distribution chart of scores. If rubrics or other assessment tools were used, you'll see students' distribution across criteria and achievement levels.

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Furthermore, the 'Question-wise analysis' tab provides a detailed overview of how students performed on each question in the worksheet, allowing for a closer examination of their responses. Here, you can see a question-wise list of the total number of students who attempted each question and the average marks per question. To view the analysis for any question in detail, simply click on it from the list, and it will pop up in the right panel.


Read this article to learn how worksheets are created on Toddle.

Read this article to learn how students can submit worksheets on Toddle.

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